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About Us

Welcome to SnookerSite.com!

Your Corner Pocket of Snooker Excellence!

Ah, snooker. A game of precision, strategy, and the occasional prayer for that ball to fall just right into the pocket. Speaking of prayers, did you know our site’s brainchild is none other than Rev. Roche? Yes, a Minister available for weddings and christenings… and a cheeky frame! Admittedly, he’s no Ronnie O’Sullivan with a cue in hand, but his passion for the game is as unyielding as the baize on a snooker table. Having often found himself pining for a reliable snooker hub, our good Reverend took the proverbial bull by the horns—or should I say, the cue ball by its spots?

Crafted from love (and perhaps a few missed pots), SnookerSite.com stands as a beacon for enthusiasts looking to sharpen their game, outfit their man caves (or woman dens) with the finest snooker equipment, or simply keep abreast with the ever-evolving world of snooker news.

As we’re on the topic of things evolving, our formidable team, helmed by the, ahem, astute Peter Tesh (whose pen might just be as sharp as his snooker shots), is hustling day and night. The objective? To gift you with an array of unparalleled reviews that we’re currently updating along with the website. Aside from the occasional bad joke, we trust you’ll get invaluable snooker insights!

Coming your way in 25: Introducing our Global Snooker Bazaar – a snooker shop with affordable tables, cues, balls and snooker related gifts from around the world…. and shipped worldwide. 

For those always in a snook (get it?), our dedicated news section is just the ticket. Dive in for a succinct roundup of the latest snooker escapades and avoid getting snookered by endless searches elsewhere.

A heartfelt thanks for gracing SnookerSite.com with your presence. 

Pot on, and may the balls always land in your favour!

Yours in snooker spirit,
Rev. Roche and Peter Tesh 

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